biohacking diet

How To Start A Biohacking Diet: Tips For Women Over 40

February 25, 2024Heather

Let’s talk about a biohacking diet…

During one of your (many) social media scrolls have you come across biohacking? A few months ago my algorithm starting pushing biohacking content into my feed, like the universe knew I needed a to make a change…or Zuckerberg heard me say that to someone some day because he’s always listening. I know “biohacking” sounds like the worst possible merger of buzzwords and sci-fi, but I swear it’s not that bad!* Biohacking is essentially “hacking” your own biology to optimize your health and performance. Think of it as running real time science experiments on yourself.

One of the cornerstones of biohacking is nutrition, what would a wellness movement be without a diet? But I don’t mean “diet” as in WeightWatchers or calorie counting, just the literal definition of “the kinds of foods a persons habitually eats”. Look at me, I’m reclaiming the word diet! The biohacking diet is all about tuning into your body’s unique needs and fueling it with the good stuff. We’re not saying we’re never going to have chips and onion dip again (heaven forbid), but we’re going to prioritize our nutrition. So here are the baby-steps for getting started with a biohacking diet.

Intermittent Fasting

Even if you’ve never heard of biohacking, I’m willing to bet you’ve heard of intermittent fasting. I feel likes it comes in and out of wellness fashion pretty regularly. Intermittent fasting is simply just doing all your eating in a small(er) window. Sixteen hours of fasting is probably the most common choice, but some experts recommend women women stick with a fourteen hours fasting/ten hours eating schedule, but see what works for you; that’s what biohacking is all about!

Eat Your Fats

A lifestyle that encourages eating fats?! Sign me up, ammirite ladies? We’re not talking like McDonald’s fries kinda fats, but the healthier fats like avocado, olive oil, fatty fish, nuts, even some coconut oil or grass-fed butter!

Switch To Grass-Fed Beef

Speaking of grass-fed butter, we’re making the switch to grass-fed and grass-finished beef. Not all beef is alike! The same cute of beef from a grass-fed and grass-finished cow has a completely different (and better) nutritional makeup than factory farmed. That’s science, baby! (PS I get my grass-fed beef and wild caught seafood from Butcher Box)

Supplement With Supplements

Some of the hardcore biohackers are out in these streets taking dozens and dozens of supplements, but don’t think that’s what you have to do! Starting out you should only add one supplement at a time so you know how it’s effecting you. I’ve worked my way up to magnesium, calcium, ashwagandha, krill oil (even though I’m terrified of smelling like krill), and melatonin. I feel like this is the biohacker’s supplements starter pack and so far so good.

Choose Wild Caught

I don’t want to be a Betty Bummer (my mother’s version of Debbie Downer), but the farm-raised fish sold in American supermarkets are often raised in some pretty gnarly conditions. Wild Caught seafood is packed with healthy fats and micronutrients. If you’re worried about mercury, stick with smaller fish or try a chlorella supplement.

Now as I previously mentioned, biohacking is basically running science experiments on yourself in real time, so pay attention to what and how you eat makes you feel. For instance, if you notice that say, melatonin isn’t agreeing with you, stop taking it; who care if its a fairly standard biohack? Beyonce may tell you you are the visuals, but I will tell you you are the biohack. The number one thing is listening to your body, she knows what’s best!

*As always, beware of the bros. Like most bros, biohacking bros are awful and ruin everything.

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Like this post? Check out Biohacking For Women Over 40: A Simple Guide

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