meditation for stress relief

How To Use Meditation For Stress Relief

July 1, 2024Heather

Let’s talk about meditation for stress relief…

Picture it, Sicily. Wait, that’s wrong; picture it, it’s Sunday night and you’re scrolling though TikTok. Five minutes turns into fifty (no judgement, if happens) and you suddenly realize you forgot to meal prep, your laundry is still in the washer (possibly from Friday), and you’ve got a big meeting at work in the morning. Here comes the stress sweat and the existential dread!

But wait! Before you just say “screw it”, grab a bottle of wine (sans glass) and settle in for an all night scroll let me introduce you to my current lord and savior, meditation. Ok that sacrilege don’t sit right but I’m trying to make a point. And mediation doesn’t have to be some complex process with crystals on your chakra points, sound baths, and fasting. You can just sit on butt, which is my FAVORITE.

Why Mediation

  • It’s cheaper than therapy and your daily little treat habit. One the on hand price shouldn’t be a deciding factor when it comes to our health, on the other hand we live in the real world and if it’s free it’s for me.
  • It’s a multitasker’s best friend. Got five minutes in the car between dropping off one kid, picking up another, and grabbing dinner? Plenty of time to meditate!
  • It’s like a vacation for your brain. Do you have any idea how good it feels to even momentarily unplug from the constant barrage of pings, alerts, and alarms? You will, oh you will.
  • It’s a glow-up even the most expensive skincare can’t produce. The only way to truly glow from within is to be refreshed on the soul level. Yeah chemical exfoliation and drinking plenty of water don’t hurt, but you gotta get yourself right.

How To Start Meditating Without Getting Overwhelmed

  • Start small. Rome wasn’t built on a day, and your meditation practice won’t be either. Start with just five minutes a day, that’s like half of All Too Well (Taylor’s Version).
  • Try an app. There are a ton of meditation apps out there to make starting your mediation practice as easy as possible. Don’t want another app on your phone? Check out all the meditation options on Spotify!
  • Create a zen den. Carve out a little corner for your practice. Surround yourself with whatever helps soothe your soul; crystals, plants, candles, or maybe just a comfy pillow. Whatever floats your boat!
  • Be patient with yourself. Your mind is going to wander, a lot. Like however much you think your mind is going to wander? It’s going wander even more. And that’s fine! We’re all hot messes, that’s why we need meditation!

Will meditation fix all your problems? Of course not, but it can take the edge off, and sometimes all we need is just a little space from our problems. So maybe adding a little meditation for stress relief will help you more than you’d ever think. Now if you’ll excuse me I just tried to fold a fitted sheet so now I need to cool off.

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