I started my crystal journey a little bit ago, and my first order of business was figuring out the best crystals for beginners such as myself. While I’m far from an expert (I wouldn’t even call myself a journeyman yet), I have learned a few things. And taking those few things into account, I put together a list of the best beginner crystals…and I reserve to right to change my mind on a dime so be cool… Clear Quartz Clear…
We’re On To Crystals
Exciting news guys, I’m getting into crystals! That’s right, the next stop on the hot mess express is crystals (previous stops include fascia work, juicing, The Secret, intermittent fasting, oils). Yes, I get this seems a little “woo woo” for me, but what’s the harm in a little dabblin’? Also, your girls is getting desperate. I’m running out of things to try to get my life back on the rails, so we’re onto crystals and be cool about it. I…