• best crystals for a new moon

    The Best Crystals For Embracing New Moon Magic

    August 3, 2024 Heather

    Let’s talk about the best crystals for a New Moon… Are you looking to add a sprinkle of enchantment into your life? A dash of the mystical? A pinch of woo woo? Well you’ve come to the right place! The universe has a way of weaving it’s magic, and one of those ways is the arrival of the New Moon. It’s a time of fresh beginnings, a clean slate to set intentions and manifest your deepest desires. And what better…

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  • new moon magic

    Rituals For Harnessing The Magic Of The New Moon

    August 3, 2024 Heather

    Let’s talk about new moon rituals… Hello my woo-woo besties! Are you ready for the new moon? It’s a time for new beginnings, setting intentions, and giving your spirit a little refresh. The full moon gets all the hype, but we know the new moon is where we really tap into that cosmic magic! LFG. Why The New Moon Matters The new moon is like a blank canvas for the universe. It’s a time if introspection and setting intentions for…

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