journal prompts for august

Journal Prompts To Embrace The Magic Of August

August 3, 2024Heather

Let’s talk about August journal prompts…

Consider this your sign to start journaling before, to paraphrase Taylor Swift, August slips away into a moment of time. We all know journaling has its benefits, but getting started can be tough, so I’ve got some help for ya! Keep reading for journaling prompts specially selected to connect with ourselves and cultivate gratitude.

Nature’s Nourishment

Spend time in nature this month. Journal about the sights, sounds, and smells that surround you. How does connecting with the natural world make you feel? What lessons can you learn from the world around you.? And if you are in the Boston area like me, please be careful because apparently we have rattlesnakes and they’re fighting.

Gratitude Garden

Dedicate a page in your journal to a gratitude garden, Each day, plant a seed of gratitude by writing down something you’re thankful for. Tend to your garden and watch it grow. Is this corny? Yes but get over it.

Letting Go Ritual

August is a time for new beginnings. Reflect on what you’d like to release from your life. Write about your feelings and create a symbolic letting-go ritual. I freaking love a ritual.

Self-Compassion Check-In

We’re often harder on ourselves than we would ever be on a friend, some of us even an enemy. Write a letter to yourself filled with kindness and compassion. What would you tell your best friend if they were going through what you’re experiencing?

Future Visioning

As summer winds down (boooooo), start to think about the upcoming seasons. What are your hopes and dreams for the rest of the year? What steps can you take to bring those visions to life?

Remember, there are no right or wrong answers when it comes to journaling…although if you find yourself just writing “red rum” over and over again maybe you should seek some professional help. Happy writing!

PS If you have any favorite journaling practices I’d love you to share them in the comments.

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