full moon rituals

10 Full Moon Rituals For The Supermoon Blue Moon

August 17, 2024Heather

Let’s talk about full moon rituals…

Woo-hoo witchy woman, she got the moon in her eyes. It’s me, I’m the witchy woman and I have the moon in my eyes…and this particular moon is a Supermoon blue moon. Kind of a big deal, yall. And maybe you too would like to channel your inner witch for such an exciting celestial event? But how? How do you celebrate the a full moon? Especially a full moon of this magnitude? I got you.

Let’s dive into some rituals to make the most of the lunar extravaganza!

Charge Your Crystals

Your crystals are like little energy sponges, and the full moon is the perfect time to soak them in a little cosmic juice. Ok that sounds a lot grosser than I thought it would, but you get it. Pop your crystals on your windowsill or put them directly outside to give them a moon bath (more to come on that). Just make sure you bring them in in the morning, the sun can bleach some crystals.

Make Moon Water

This is basically like brewing your own celestial elixir. Fill a mason jar with water, put it outside under the moonlight, and let the SuperMoon work tis magic. You can use this water for literally anything; drinking, water plants, making coffee, washing your face. Just don’t blame me if your ficus morphs into the Audrey 2.


Find a quiet spot outside (I’ll be on my back deck if anyone is looking for me), grab your yoga blanket, and let the moon’s glow guide you into a state of relaxation. Focus on your breath, let go of stress, and soak up the full moon’s energy. Just a heads up to watch out for critters!

Take A Moon Bath

No offense to Calgon, but this isn’t your average bubble bath. Add some epsom salts, a few drops of your favorite essential oil, and maybe even some dried herbs if you want to really go all out. Light a candle, put on some chill tunes, and bathe literally in the water while you bathe metaphysically in the moonlight.

Release The Past

Write down anything and everything you want to let go of on a piece of paper. It could be grudges, negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, or anything that’s weighing you down. Once you’re done, burn the paper (safely of course) and watch as your troubles go up in smoke. Please don’t burn down your house, that’s bad vibes.

Set Intentions

You know what pairs beautifully with releasing the past? Setting intentions! The full moon is a powerful time for setting goals and manifesting your desire. Write down your intentions in a journal or on a piece of paper. Be specific, be positive, and go big.

Create A Moon Circle

Gather your coven (friends) for a moonlit gathering. Share stories, laugh, and support each other. Feel free to do any of the rituals here, they all work for a group! It’s like a book club, but woo-woo.

Honor Your Ancestors

Take some time to reflect on your family history. You didn’t just fall out of a coconut tree after all! Light a candle and say a little prayer or meditation in honor of your loved ones who have passed. It’s a beautiful way to connect to your roots.

Journal Your Feelings

If the moon is powerful enough to control the tides, it’s powerful enough to make us feel a certain way! Writing down your thoughts and emotions can be incredibly therapeutic. Use your journal as a safe space to explore your feelings and connect with yout intuition.

Enjoy The Show

Sometimes the best thing to do is simply sit back, relax, and appreciate the beauty of the moon. Grab a comfy blanket and a glass of wine and just let the natural wonder and beauty wash over you.

These are just some ideas to get you started. There is magic all around us, we just need to slow down enough to see it, so slow down and see it!

Like this post? Check out Journal Prompts To Embrace The Magic Of August

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